====================================================================== Title : WALLYNUT.MAP Author : Adam Agress (Wally the Nut) E-mail : Sorry, currently switching servers! My snail-mail address is 611 Golf Drive Swainsboro, GA 30401 (912) 237-3753 Web Page : Ask me next year when I'm a Freshman at Georgia Tech! Description : This all started when I got a copy of Build.exe. Myself and a friend (Ira - A.K.A. "I MAN") started playing over the modem. I decided I wanted to build a level to kick his ass on, because I was doing it on every other level that 3D Realms made on the original Duke Nukem 3D (We're talking I'd beat him 17-3!). So...... After a little bit 'o planning and some hard work, I came up with this level. Titled WALLYNUT, after my nickname, I have a few nifty tricks in here. Here are a few: Somewhere in this level there is a viewscreen. If you notice all of the cameras in this level (about 10 of 'em), don't worry, because they are linked to only one viewscreen. I hope you can find the viewscreen before your opponent does, because right next to the screen is my own little nuke switch. It sets off about 200 C9s in the level, and since the screen is next to the switch, your opponent can time it just right to have them all blow up in your face! There are a lot of other cool (and cruel) tricks in this level, but I'll let you find out the hard way. It might be hard to find how to get to the nuke switch and the sole viewscreen linked to all of those cameras (a plethora of information!), but I assure you that there is a way there. It just takes some looking, that's all. THERE ARE NO MONSTERS IN THIS LEVEL, because I didn't build this level for single play, and monsters are too much work. If you want monsters, you can add 'em yourself. Just give me credit for the level itself. I myself sometimes add a few more weapons to levels I didn't build, so you can too. HAPPY HUNTING!!!! :) -Wally Additional Credits to : Thanks to I MAN for getting me hyped up to build this damn level! Also to Carl Hall (currently at Georgia Tech in Computer Science) for getting me into programming, and Will Johnson for getting me into building DOOM levels at Governor's Honors in '96! Also, a great big thanks to Brett Gmoser for his great job on the famous MAPFAQ03.FAQ. Without it, this level would not be here! Thanks Brett! And 3D Realms, of course! Finally something that beats the hell out of DOOM! ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Hey, it's Duke Nukem: Use DUKE3D -MAP WALLYNUT.MAP Single Player : No (I guess you could, but there are no monsters!) DukeMatch Level : Oh Yeah! Difficulty Settings : Nope, too much trouble. Nobody uses them anyway. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) Used : Build.exe (DEEP, PLEASE WRITE A DUKE NUKEM 3D EDIT!) Build Time : Too long! (I started over about 5 times!) Known Bugs : There are a couple of places where HOM takes effect, and a few places where doors seem to disappear! One other thing, too. It hasn't happened on this version of the level, but the nuke button sometimes causes the game to crash (it did on previous levels, but I think I fixed it). * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base for their levels, I only ask that they include my name in the author template and give me credit for my work. Like I said before, you can add monsters if you like, that would make it a lot more fun for single play. * Where to get this MAP file * Sites: Don't know - haven't uploaded it yet. Check out: mike@bayserve.net yeagers@www.erols.com gmoser@gramercy.ios.com ftp.cdrom.com head2head.com ENJOY! ===========================================================================